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Monday 20 August 2018

Esparto V2 almost ready! The new web UI part 3

The lower panel(s)


This panel will be used mostly for debugging your Esparto App. The ADC graph shows the raw value of the A0 pin from 0 to 1023 and can be useful when calibrating any sensor attached thereto.

The Heap graph:

The heap graph is probably the most important tool here. The ESP8266 has limited heap space and many of the underlying libraries chew up a fair amount. The main AsyncWebserver library is also very sensitive to low heap situations and despite it being a truly marvellous piece of software, it will crash unceremoniously if there is very little free heap space. I have not gone to the lengths of calibrating it exactly, but below 5 or 6k seems to be in the danger zone. Get the software on github.

Running out of heap is fatal in all circumstances and great care must be exercised in your code to make sure you use as little as possible. The graph is designed to help you do that. The window is 3 minutes wide, which is more than enough time to spot any problems. Trust me, when they happen, they happen fast!

Esparto has a built-in heap guard so that it will not let any process start if there is less than a defined amount of heap available. The value is configurable at compile=time and I usually run with it set to 20% of the initial free heap. You may need to "tweak" it while watching this graph to optimise the figure for your own app.

The downside of this is that once the limit is reached, any / every event requiring a task will be silently ignored, This can make your app behave strangely: LEDs may stop flashing, sensor values may not get sent to MQTT, your buttons may not work, or worse: work on the down stroke, but not on the up. The point is that whatever happens, the app will not crash. It reserves at least enough heap (I hope!) to be able to call up the UI panels so that you can spot the problem with this panel, fix it perhaps by changing a configuration value on the config panel or use the run panel to issue a command to stop the bad behaviour, while letting the good stuff continue. That's the idea, anyway.

The Q panel shows the size of Esparto's task queue. Most of the time this will read zero, i.e no outstanding tasks. Technically it should show at least one, but it clears the queue so quickly and the stats are only refreshed once per second, so they "miss" the occasional internal background management task. This raises an important point: all of these statistics (apart from the ADC) are indicative only: they cannot be 100% accurate (nor do they need to be) by simple virtue of the lag between the actual event, the network and the browser. They are certainly accurate enough to help you spot problems very early on and then tune them out.

Again, the queue can be sized at compile-time and some experimentation may be needed to maximise free heap with a small queue - but not so small that tasks start stacking up or being "throttled". The same caveat applies: once the queue limit is reached, tasks will be ignored until the level drops below the limit. All the same glitches as above may or may not occur, but still: no crash. In any event it is 90-odd percent certain the heap will be throttled well before the Q grows out-of-bounds.


There is one sure-fire way of busting the queue: scheduling a repetitive task that runs for longer than the scheduling period. For example running a job every 5ms that takes 6ms to complete. It doesn't take much thought to realise that this situation is never going to end well. The queue will grow exponentially and given that 10 or 20 is a sensible practical limit, the rate of growth before throttling occurs will be of the order of milliseconds. You already know what starts (or more often "stops") when these limits are reached.

Another "don't try this at home, kids" method is to schedule a taks that schedules another, which schedules...etc in a chain which is longer than the queue size (minus 1 or 2 for system tasks). Granted, its rare and difficult to do, but here is almost certainly a better and safer way, so if you are thinking of long chains of tasks to get some wacky timing working, think again...

Not least for the fact that again timings are not 100% reliable: they depend on other tasks in the queue. If your new task to start in 10ms slips in behind one that is scheduled to run before yours and takes 15ms then yours wont start for 25ms: his 10 and your 15. If however the queue is empty - which it usually will be - then yours will start on time. The moral of the story is: don't run a nuclear power station or your mother's life support system with Esparto. Most other stuff will work just fine.

The Pins Graph:

Pin activity is the main culprit in heap depletion: Esparto has quite a lot to do when a pin change occurs. It has to check to see if the pin is throttled (more on that in a moment) and if so, discard inputs over the throttling limit, if the input survives that, Esparto has to light the appropriate raw LED then allow the specific pin-type handler to decide / calculate / guess (only kidding) the internal cooked state, get the value and light or extinguish the corresponding cooked LED. And update the pin statistics, and...

All of which uses up heap space. The snapshot above was deliberately chosen to show how a burst of high activity on the pins causes an immediate and severe drop in the free heap space. In case you are interested, it was caused by flashing 3 LEDs at a high rate while simultaneously "listening" to a sound sensor like this:
Cheapie sound sensor for ESP8266

on pin D6 while Motorhead's "Ace of Spades" was playing at high volume. The track was chosen specifically because it is a "wall of noise" and causes the sensor to throw literally thousands of transitions per second into the pin, which brings us nicely on to Esparto's approach to pin throttling...


Very few ESP8266 apps can sustain thousands of transitions per second (peaking at 11000+ form Motorhead when turned up loud, which is - of course - the only way to listen to it) while also managing other hardware and a dynamically-updated web UI. Esparto is no different: it's not magic! It depends on underlying libraries that have limits. For example the AsyncWebServer library can only deliver about 20 requests to the browser per second. This of course depends on how fast the browser can consume them but when you look at what Esparto is doing on this panel alone, there's a lot to get through. By empirical observation, 21 inputs per second is the tipping point at which the heap starts to drop like a heavy rock. The chosen tune has no let-up, once the descent begins there's no way back before a very rapid heap exhaustion crash, except to  a) throttle the heap b) throttle the cause of the problem rather than the symptom: the rate of throughput on the input pin. Esparto does both.

So the LED is never going to flash in time with the beat. Cutting the rate from 11000+ to 21 is obviously some heavy clipping, but it is essential to prevent a crash. It's actually worse: because of some background tasks, even at 20/sec the heap depletes, albeit slowly. It doesn't actually stop entirely until 19. Unfortunately the ESP floating point code is so big and Esparto already weighs in at 410k that Esparto can only deal with integer arithmetic - for speed as much as size - but size is what prohibits "proper" math. So when calculating the throttle sample rate, 19 gets rounded down to 10.

The count on the pin is sampled 10x per second which is 100ms between checks. This is a fine balance between early notification, accuracy and impact on other process. Pin D6 is throwing 1s and 0s in at 11000 per second (that's 91 microseconds between) so the first time we get to check the pin count, it's already up to 1/10 of it maximum which is 1100 - a heap-busting amount of activity.

The maths behind this problem is much deeper than we need to get into here, but the result is that in its current guise, Esparto can only throttle pins in multiple of 10. Doing it at 20 would be accurate, as would 30 - or 10. Anything in between is rounded down by the integer divide. Rounding it up wouldn't make a lot of sense for a limit, now would it?

As a slight aside, the reason that pin D6 (GPIO12) is coloured yellow in the UI snapshot above is to indicate that it is throttled.

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