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Monday 20 August 2018

Esparto V2 almost ready! The new web UI part 5

The lower panel(s)


Now we start to see the real power of Esparto coming out. It has a configuration system where name/value pairs are automatically saved to SPIFFS (the ESP8266 Flash file system) as soon as they change and persist into the next reboot, i.e become permanent. Well, until the next factory reset, at least.

The demo code has a Latching push button on GPIO0 (Arduino digital pin D3) and a very "noisy" and sensitive  sound sensor (i.e. a high number of thousand IOs per second at the slightest cough) on GPIO12 (D6). It also configures the BUILTIN_LED for output. On a Wemos D1 mini that the demo was built on, this is on GPIO2 (D4). The hardware setup looks like this:

void setupHardware(){
  Esparto.Output(BUILTIN_LED,LOW,HIGH); // start with LED OFF                   
  Esparto.Latching(PUSHBUTTON,INPUT,10,buttonPress); // 10ms of debouncing
  Esparto.Raw(D6,INPUT,[](int s){ Serial.println("Do nothing"); });

I trust your first taste of the "esparto Way" wasn't too shocking or difficult? setupHardware() is equivalent to the standard Arduino-style setup() and you do the same kind of thing here as you would there - almost. You just do it Esparto-stylee - so for instance, no WiFi.begin and delay loops* Esparto is already connecting to your SSID "in the background" to speed things up.

Also you won't see pinMode calls: Esparto knows what mode to set automatically from the type of Esparto SmartPin you define. So really all we have is one line per I/O device, and often that's all you will need. The only "odd" or "tricky" thing is the throttlePin call. We'll get to the strange syntax in a minute, but first, what exactly is "throttling" and why do we need it here?

It is described in great detail in part 3 of this series, so if you want to know more read up on that first, but for now a simple one liner is that the sound sensors fires far more data than any tiny device can easily cope with -Esparto being no exception - so we have to slow it down, or "throttle" it. D6 is our noisy pin, so we tell Esparto only to allow through 19 of the thousands of 1s and 0s per second.

The reason this is such a low figure is explained in the earlier article. Your LED will still flash vaguely in time with your bangin' house or lounge jazz tracks...ish. Now to that weird syntax...

C++ Lambda functions:

See what? If you don't know about these already, ask Mr Google about them because you will quickly come to love them as much as I do. They are particularly good for callbacks and a lot of your code needs to be in callbacks so now is a good time to learn how to use them. If you are already frightened, fear not: you don't have to use them, the old-fashioned way still works. I will show you what that would look like in a moment and I'm sure you will soon be seeing the benefits of the new-fangled way.

What we want is for Esparto to tell us when pin D6 changes and what is has just changed to: a 0 or a 1. So we need to give Esparto a function that returns nothing (void) and takes a single int parameter, which holds the new state when the pin changed. Ordinarily we'd write:

void namedFunction(int s){
Serial.println("Do nothing");
and then our old-fashioned way would be:


  • It's more typing
  • We have to invent a name for our free-standing "normal" function that doesn't do a whole lot
  • namedFunction can live anywhere in your code base. If your code is large and you are anything like me, it can sometimes take a while to find, by which time you forgot where it was called from!

Let's break down the "new" way (it isn't new at all, it's been around since at least 2011)

,[](int s){ Serial.println("Do nothing"); }

[] = this is a lambda function - it has no name
(int s) = same as before, it takes an int parameter called s
{ Serial.println("Do nothing"); } = this is what the function does, its body. any valid C++ code can live inside the body including if/else blocks, other lambdas etc.

Not too painful, I trust? In summary it's a function with no name (an "anonymous function") that is "bolted in" to the place that needs to call it, instead of having to live outside on its own. It has many benefits:
  • Less typing
  • Less names to remember
  • Lives alongside the thing that defined it and needs it: makes code more easy to understand and saves time hunting
  • You can do things with it that you would never have dreamt of, like pass it, lock stock and barrel as an object to another function that can then call it on your behalf! That is beyond the scope of this post, though. Ask Mr Google.
I mention these in some detail because a lot of the example code uses them, for all the reasons above, and because I love them. Esparto could not have been written without them. I hope you come to love them too, and soon - they make working with Esparto a breeze and they're not really that tough are they? Welcome to the 21st century!

Why do nothing?

The demo is purely to show the raw LED beating closely-ish in time with either some music, clapping of hands, whistling, dogs howling etc. Since Esparto does all the checking for changes and SmartPins underneath does all the flashing automatically, there is nothing else for our demo code to do. This shows how powerful Esparto is. Ordinarily the lambda is where you would put your special code that makes your app different from the rest. I do exactly that with the Latching button, which starts and stops the LED flashing by calling buttonPress which you haven't seen yet, but is here in all its glory:

void buttonPress(bool hilo){
  if(!hilo) {
    uint32_t rate=Esparto.getConfigInt("blinkrate");
  else  Esparto.stopLED();

User-defined config variables:

And in Esparto.getConfigInt("blinkrate"); you now see the Esparto magic starting to happen. I challenge you to look at the screen shot above and guess what happens when you change the value. Go on, have a go!

If you said "I bet the LED starts flashing at the new rate automatically", you're obviously catching on but you'd be wrong. Only because I'm teasing and you haven't yet pressed the pushbutton to start it flashing at the old rate in the first place. If you had already done that then yes, exactly correct: the LED instantly starts flashing at the new rate, well done! It's now no great leap of faith to correctly assume that changing the debounce value will, er, change the debounce value of the Latching button. You are getting a whole lot of functionality for free here.

But there's more: next time you reboot, the value will be brought back - the config system saves the value whenever it changes, you have nothing further to do. The BWF parameter just made up, to play with, does nothing, isn't used anywhere and you can type what you want in there just for the fun of seeing it survive a reboot. If you want real magic, read the next section on the run panel...

Yet more: send the command testbed/flash with a payload of 1 to start and 0 to stop from an MQTT client and guess what - correct the same thing happens as if you had pressed the button physically yourself. The code to make that happen? Here:

void onMqttConnect(void){
  Serial.printf("T=%d USER SAYS MQTT CONNECTED\n",millis());
  Esparto.subscribe("flash",[](vector<string> vs){ 
    Serial.printf("Doing my thing with %s\n",CSTR(vs.back()));

Dont worry about the "vector" stuff, that's more C++ magic that is going to make your relationship with Esparto a much more fruitful one and will be covered in the future. For now be happy that you have just avoided 3 months of tearing your hair out and a learning curve like the side of a cliff, while getting an already pretty capable system "for free" from a mere handful of lines of code!

System config variables:

Anything starting with a "~" is a system variable which Esparto relies on to function properly. So:
  1. never use "~" in your own config names
  2. while you can put whatever you like in your own variables as long as your code knows what it means, the same cannot be said for system variables
  3. never change a system variable unless you know what you are doing, and why!
Some system variables are easy to understand and make sense for the user to change. The ones I have chosen to expose for the demo are like that. By the time the full release comes round there will be a lot more, and they won't be as nice. I can safely predict that even when you read the "advanced guide" with a full explanation of what each does, you still won't want / dare / understand how to change them, so - just don't. Ever!


Is the millisecond count for the amount of time to wait for the WiFi to fail to connect before "falling back" to AP mode and offering yourself up to a phone, tablet etc to get in and configure a valid set of WiFi credentials. The demo has 3 minutes = 180,000 microseconds = 180 seconds. You may want less or more: feel free to change it to a sensible value that works for you.


Is used to log the value of the heap every second to an MQTT broker, just in case the 3-minute graphs on the system page aren't enough. 1= start, 0= stop. It will publish /testbed/heap with a payload of the value once per second until you stop it, either by changing the value back to 0, publishing testbed/cmd/logheap/0 over MQTT or reading on to the next section on the run panel...


Unsurprisingly, the IP address, port and retry failure re-connection interval of your MQTT broker. Some day soon I will add ~mixer and ~mqPass to enable you to connect to an authenticating remote server. Some day...

Don't ask me about (or mess with!) the as-yet-unseen ~jitter variable - it's the plus / minus entropy timing spread adjustment factor to minimise asynchronous collision probability in the autoStats derived timer reset function. It is currently set to 10. Still fancy seeing what happens if you change it to 11? Or 243? No, I hoped not.

*Ever. No delay loops ever. They are bad, they break asynchronous libraries, stop other tasks from running and are generally BAD STYLE. Do not ever use one in an Esparto callback (or at all, in fact) you simply don't need to. If you think you do, trust me, you are wrong. There is always a better way. call Esparto.once(<x mSec delay>, functionToRunSoon); for example. Don't ever call delay(). Need I say it again?

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